Web Development

Ameba Admin

Ameba Admin Portal and Photo Gallery Project

Mr. Alejandro Angenesio heads a software development company in Italy. His company has delivered numerous eCommerce web solutions to a diverse clientele across the globe. However, two of the clients’ eCommerce websites, built on the nopCommerce platform, needed some rework in order to add a few new features.

The clients’ nopCommerce websites were making it difficult for them to manage multiple product categories. If they wanted to add multiple products on the online store simultaneously, they needed to update multiple databases for the same.

Because Mr. Alejandro had been working with many different clients and had to manage their websites, we suggested that they should get built an Admin portal in which different users have access to different databases and they can update their own databases from that Admin portal, whenever the need arises.

We also created a solution for a person to work as a role editor who will work for clients to add/update data and we are managing his work history and payment details as well.

Additionally, we have also created a photo album gallery where every user can create their own online photo gallery. They can upload images from Ameba Admin Portal and can see images on their own eCommerce store.

Our Expertise in Mobile Technologies

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